At least when you're sick - you can take something and know you will be better in a few days time. Morning sickness however....just drags on with no light in sight. The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that the baby is doing well...and what really irritates Dave is that when I wake up and have no nausea I start freaking out - thinking I've had a miscarriage.
So really, my world has been tipped upside down already..but I wouldn't have it any other way.....
I had my first scan on 5th May at Sydney Women's Ultrasound in Chatswood. Dave took off work a little early and came along with me. Waiting in the reception we watched as a traffic jam of pregnant women came and went getting their scans and moving their gigantic bellies around the place almost bumping into each other. It could have been a Sumo convention...and there was Dave and I...scared out of our minds...hoping that the pregnancy test wasn't a fraud....and it's not just gas...but that I'm actually growing a peanut inside.
We got called into the ultrasound room and a kind lady told me to undress...she put the cold jelly onto my stomach (making me jump as high as the ceiling) and started to press in my lower abdomen....muttering she said could see that there was definitely 'something in there' but had to do a transvaginal scan to get a clearer picture....I think Dave felt a little awkward at this the nurse pulled out the device which looked liked a giant dildo with a rubber condom on it..."Don't worry I put lots of gel on it" said the nurse. ...Bloody hope so. I grabbed the sheets and she started to have a look around. ..and then we saw it....our little smudge...which as you can see from the photo's more like a relative of Jabba the Hun...or perhaps a boogie on the screen that an actual baby.
The nurse zoomed in a little more and could see the heartbeat...Dave and I looked at each other and smiled..omg..."It's ALIVE"...*frankenstein movie*.
So are the pics.